A PhD researcher at University of Limerick has contacted CISC in regards to a project they are working on. It is titled Supporting Victims of Hate and Hostility, and it is supervised by Prof. Jennifer Schweppe and Prof. Amanda Haynes from the European Centre for the Study of Hate (ECSH).
LGBTQI+ people in forced migration often face unique challenges, many of which are tied to the reception and accommodation conditions. Milos Burzan (he/him) a MCSA Early Stage Researcher|PhD Candidate is seeking to interview interested participants who
are LGBTQI+ people in forced migration (international protection applicants, refugees, persons with subsidiary protection, temporary protection, permission to remain)
are 18 years or older; and
are comfortable communicating in English; and
have experienced hostility or hate incidents toward multiple aspects of their identity.
Please follow this link for information on this project.
Interested parties can contact Milos at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
This research study has received Ethics approval from the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (approval number 2024_06_01_AHSS) of the University of Limerick.