HSE Partner Pack 29th April 2022

29th April 2022

Second COVID-19 booster vaccine

People aged 65 years and over are now eligible for their second COVID-19 booster vaccine. Those with a weak immune system aged 12 and over can also get their second booster, when it is due. Those who are due their second COVID-19 booster vaccine can:

The HSE encourages everyone in these two groups who has already had their first booster to get their second booster dose when they become eligible. This second booster will give you the best protection from serious illness caused by COVID-19.

Dr Colm Henry, Chief Clinical Officer, HSE, said: “We are now offering a second booster vaccine to those aged 65 years and over and those who are immunocompromised, and I am urging everyone in these groups to get this second booster dose.”

“People being recommended this second booster are those most at risk of severe illness from COVID-19. It is important you get your second booster to help maintain your protection from becoming seriously ill or needing hospital treatment if you catch the virus.”


Stay safe

COVID-19 is still with us and there are things that we can do:

  • Isolate if you are symptomatic (even if you are fully vaccinated and boosted) or if you are diagnosed with COVID-19
  • Complete your primary and booster programme of vaccination
  • Continue to manage risk for yourself and others who are more vulnerable. You can do this by wearing masks, physical distancing and avoiding crowds
  • As well as maintaining basic hand and respiratory hygiene

The following public health advice will continue to be important:

  • The continuation of mask wearing on public transport
  • The continuation of mask wearing in healthcare settings in line with evolving national guidance
  • Continuing infection prevention and control measures in early learning settings, school-aged childcare and schools, including ventilation, hygiene
  • Measures and advice to stay at home if symptomatic
  • Current arrangements in place in respect of the schools’, early learning and school-aged care facilities’ antigen testing programme will also continue  

COVID-19 vaccine booster for 12 to 15 year olds

All children aged 12 to 15 are being offered a COVID-19 vaccine booster.

The protection that your child has from their initial COVID-19 vaccines may weaken over time. Their booster dose should give them better protection and reduce their chances of getting seriously ill.
It is especially important for children with high risk health conditions, or if a family member is more at risk.

Most children can get their booster six months after their last COVID-19 vaccine. If they had COVID-19 since their last vaccine, they will need to wait six months after diagnosis before they get their booster.

You can book an appointment at a HSE vaccination centre on a day and time that suits you at http://hse.ie/book

You can also attend a HSE walk-in vaccine clinic without an appointment. Find clinic times and
locations near you at http://hse.ie/

A parent or legal guardian must attend the appointment to give consent. If this isn’t possible, you can call our team in HSELive on 1800 700 700.

COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 years

If your child is aged 5 to 11 you can now book their COVID-19 vaccine appointment online at a time and date that suits you. The vaccine will help to protect them, and the rest of the family too. The World Health Organization has advised that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe for children of this age. Visit https://www2.hse.ie/screening-and-vaccinations/covid-19-vaccine/get-the-vaccine/covid-19-vaccination-for-children/ for information or to book an appointment.

COVID-19 booster (4th) dose for people who are immunocompromised (have a weak immune system)

People who have a weak immune system, also called immunocompromised, can now get a booster (4th) dose. People in this group were offered an additional dose of the COVID-19 vaccine last year, and can now get a booster dose if it has been 3 months since their additional dose. If they had the Pfizer, AstraZeneca or Moderna vaccine, this booster will be their fourth vaccine dose. If they had Janssen vaccine this booster will be their third vaccine dose. See below for information on how to get your booster dose.

You can find more information here: https://www2.hse.ie/screening-and-vaccinations/covid-19-vaccine/get-the-vaccine/weak-immune-system/ 

Treatment for people at the highest risk from COVID-19

A new medicine is available to treat people with COVID-19 (coronavirus) who are at the highest risk of becoming seriously ill. Sotrovimab is also known by the brand name Xevudy. It is the first type of COVID-19 medicine available in Ireland. You'll be told by your doctor or consultant if this medicine is for you. Other COVID-19 medicines are expected to become available soon.

You can find more information here.https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/covid19/symptoms/treatments-for-covid-19/ 

COVID-19 vaccine booster

People aged 16 and older can get their COVID-19 vaccine booster dose now. This includes people who have a weak immune system. 

You need to wait at least 3 months (90 days) after your vaccine course before you can get a booster dose. If you have had COVID-19 since you were vaccinated you should get your booster dose at least 3 months after your positive result.

Please bring photo ID that shows your date of birth to your appointment or walk-in clinic.

COVID-19 information in other languages 

Visit http://www.hse.ie/translations  for a range of COVID-19 vaccine information videos and other resources that have been produced in other languages, including information on COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy. 

A range of factors including the impact of winter and the high numbers in hospital and attending Emergency Departments (ED) are leading to a very high demand on both hospital and community services. In line with the HSE Winter Plan, a number of measures are being taken to manage this period of high demand. 

The HSE is asking members of the public to consider all care options before attending hospital EDs, as acute and community services face a period of unprecedented pressure. There are a range of care pathways available to patients who do not need emergency care including Pharmacists, GP, GP Out of Hours Services and Minor Injury Units. Within EDs, patients will be prioritised based on their clinical need.


HSE Partner Pack 4th March 2022


Vaccine resources in other languages

You can find extensive resources about COVID-19 Vaccines and the COVID-19 virus, in up to 36 other languages, here. Languages include Albanian, Arabic, Farsi, Latvian, Romanian, Somali, Tamil and Yoruba.


Please help support COVID vaccines #ForUsAll by adding a #Twibbon to your social media

Why get the COVID-19 vaccine? Get it for yourself, your family, your friends and #ForUsAll

You can now download a Twibbon to use on your social media profile to show your support for COVID-19 vaccines. There are two Twibbons to choose from:




After you have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, you are vaccine protected

When your vaccine has had time to work, you can do some things that were not recommended before you were vaccinated. You can find more information here.


EU Digital COVID Certificate

If you have queries in relation to this certificate or international travel in general, you can:

The emergency helpline number for the Digital COVID Certificate is: 1800 851 504


Where to find COVID-19 Vaccination Information

We encourage everyone to read about the COVID-19 vaccine and to get their information from a factual, trusted source – here are the links to the pages with information on the vaccine:


COVID-19 Testing - Online Booking System

We have a COVID-19 test online booking system for testing centres. To book a test, log on to our system here. You can also show up without an appointment, but you may not have to wait as long if you book online.

Full details of how to get tested are available here.


Mobile Service available in Cork / Kerry providing services relating to sexual health, drugs and alcohol

A new mobile health service will travel to all parts of Cork and Kerry in order to make support, information and interventions around sexual health and drug and alcohol services available to all.

The ‘DASH’ (Drugs, Alcohol and Sexual Health) mobile unit is the first of its kind in Ireland, providing community-wide mobile services such as rapid HIV testing, condom provision, drug and alcohol assessments and support from trained health promotion professionals.

You can read more here.


Public Health Information

As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to: https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/ and https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/. Clinical and professional guidance relating to COVID-19 is available on www.hpsc.ie where you’ll find up to date guidance for healthcare settings and non-clinical settings.

Please check here for the most up to date partner resources for COVID-19.

You can find the COVID-19 A-Z information here from the HSE’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC).

Please also check the Healthy Ireland site here with further resources and information on the Keep Well campaign.

You can view the latest information on how Ireland is responding to cases of COVID-19 here.

Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub is available here.

Departemt of Justice and Equality
Government of Ireland
Government of Ireland
European Union AMIF
Departemt of Justice and Equality
Clare County Council
This project is co-financed by the European Commission under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014 - 2020 and is supported by the Department of Justice and Equality.

Clare Immigrant Support Centre
Unit 6
Clonroad Business Park
Co. Clare 
V95 CV06

Tel: 065 682 2026
Email: ciscennis@gmail.com

© 2023 Clare Immigrant Support Centre. Company Number 450316. Charity Number 20068714