Clare Immigrant Support Centre welcomes the launch of the long awaited Regularisation Scheme which will transform the lives of many individuals and families living here in Clare and all over Ireland.
The Regularisation Scheme will launch early in 2022 and be open for 6 months. The scheme proposes to regularise the immigration statuses of Individuals with dependent children after 3 years of being undocumented in the State and individuals living in Ireland undocumented for at least 4 years by the time the scheme opens in 2022. Succesful applicants will have the right to live, work engage in education and will also have a pathway to becoming Irish citizens.
Very importantly the scheme will also be open to individuals who have been in the international protection process for 2 years or more, this will be of great benefit to reducing the big backlog of asylum seekers living for years in the much-criticised direct provision accomodation system while awaiting decisions on their international protection applicatiions.
Applications will be through an online portal system and the supporting documents needed will also be uploaded to the portal. Applications for the scheme will come at a cost of €550 for each individual and €700 for family units. Application fees will however be waived for eligible international protection applicants.
"I am so happy that I am crying this morning to hear that asylum seekers like myself can apply to this scheme.I have had no interview after 2 and a half years and have been very worried and upset about my situation, this now gives me hope and a future" a Clare based International Protection applicant said.
Orla Ní Éilí from Clare Immigrant Support Centre commented
"we are delighted to finally see the introduction of this scheme and congratulate and are proud of all who have campaigned for many years to see this day come to pass. We wholeheartedly welcome the scheme being open for six months and especially the inclusion of a pathway for International Protection applicants. It is imperative that user testing of the online application process be undertaken to ensure it is an easy process to use as this is the only way to apply. We are concerned about the cost of the fees given the nature of their employment conditions and the impact of COVID. Also it is essential that information about the scheme and practical supports be provided in many different languages to be disseminated widely by Clare Immigrant Support Centre and others so that as many people as possible can benefit from this scheme and feel more secure in planning their futures here in Clare."